Sunday, December 6, 2009

Health News

Health News Snipet....

Honey the better antibiotic
Source: The Sun, July 13, 2009

Honey has proved to be a more useful antibiotic for treating wounds and infections than some pharmaceutical antibiotics, a new study found.Researchers at University of Sydneyn tested medical variations of New Zealand Manuk and Australian Jelly Bush honeys and found that they were more effective than antibiotics in treating bacteria, including highly resistant superbugs that infect hospitals. The honeys also worked on pathogens known to have high level of resistance, including superbugs such as flesh-eating bacteria, or MRSA, the study said.

The honeys that were tested were produced by bees that fed on native Australian and New Zealand tea trees (Leptospermum plants).

Pesticide link to childhood leukaemia
Source: New Sunday Times, August 9, 2009

A new study by Georgetown University’s Lombardi Comprehensive Cancer Centre found that patients with childhood leukaemai have elevated levels of household pesticides in their urine. Although it cannot be assumed that pesticides caused these cancers, the researchers said their findings certainly support the need for more robust research in this area.

Help from Chinese herbal medicine
Source: The Sun, July 20, 2009

British researchers have found evidence that Chinese herbal medicine may relieve the symptoms of endometriosis, a common gynaecological disorder that affect one in six women of reproductive age. Symptoms of endometriosis include pelvic pain, painful and irregular periods and infertility.

In two separate trials performed by Cochrane Researchers, Chinese herbal medicine showed symptomatic relief similar to the relief provided by the hormonal drugs gestrinone and danazo, but with fewer side effects.

Previous studies have shown that Chinese herbal medicine is effective for treating menstrual problems and has helped in treatments of breast cancer.

Information from :National poison centre (USM)

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